6 Questions to Ask a Prospective Home Remodeling Contractor

by | Apr 19, 2017 | Construction & Maintenance

A bad home remodel can cost you thousands to fix. Here are 6 questions you’ll want to ask before you hire a home remodeling firm in Walnut Creek CA.

Who’s going to work on my project?

Sometimes, the person you’ll talk to won’t end up handling your project. That’s all right so long as you know beforehand. Ask to meet with the contractor so you’ll have a better gauge on whether it’s a go or no.

What services do you provide?

It helps to be clear on what kind of services the company provides. Some are well able to handle the design to the execution phase while others require that you hire separate architects and contractors. It’s much more cost-efficient and cost-effective, though, to hire a company that can do both.

Are you licensed to work in my state?

That’s one of the essential things you’ll want to know. It’s not enough to hire a licensed contractor. Make sure s/he’s licensed to work in your area.

Can I have proof of your insurance?

Ask for a copy of their insurance liability certificate. Don’t just take their word for it, no matter how trustworthy they might seem. You can breathe easier knowing you’ve got these bases covered.

What’s the payment schedule?

Agree on a schedule. Never pay half or all the money upfront before the work even begins. That’s an easy way to get fleeced.

What’s the biggest challenge of this job?

This is a good question from the Realtor. By asking about the challenges, as well as attractions, that the project holds for the contractor, you’ll get a feel for whether you’re on the same page or not. The question also helps you and the contractor build a measure of rapport.

With these questions, you’ll have an easier time finding the home remodeling firm in Walnut Creek CA that’s going to suit your project to the ground.

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