Tips for Keeping Your Sand Stone Pavement Looking Great

by | Feb 15, 2018 | Landscaping

Once you have selected sand stone suppliers in Torrington, and installed the surface in your garden or patio, you likely have a pretty nice-looking pavement. However, now you are faced with the task of keeping it looking nice. The good news is, this doesn’t have to be an impossible process and there are a few tips that can help you along the way. Learn more about this here.

Sweep the Surface

You can use a soft broom to sweep the pavers that you have in place. Once you have removed as much of the loose dirt and debris as you can, you can use your garden hose to clean away the dirt that gets into the stone’s texture. Try not to use any type of high-pressure cleaning tools, such as pressure washers, as this may pit the surface of your stones.

Sealing the Surface

Something you may not know when ordering your pavement rocks from sand stone suppliers in Torrington is that you can also seal this surface. Doing this will provide long-term protection for your pavement. Be sure that you use a penetrative sealer and consult with the experts in how to make sure it is applied properly for superior protection. Keep in mind, if you aren’t in a salty environment (such as near the beach) then sealing the surface of the pavement will be optional.

As you can see, caring for the sand stone surface that you have installed after having it delivered by sand stone suppliers in Torrington doesn’t have to be difficult. However, you do need to know what to do.

Find out more about sand stone care by visiting the Century Aggregates website.

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